Tuesday, 19 August 2008

British Printed Images Pre-1700 - Conference

Is a conference jointly organised by the Victoria and Albert Museum and
Birkbeck, University of London.
Venue: Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Auditorium, Sackler Centre
Date: Friday 12 & Saturday 13 September 2008
Cost: £110 for 2 days, £55 for 1 day, concessions available
This conference is about the status and role of early printed images in Britain
in books and elsewhere. There is an international line up of speakers.
Printed images were widely circulated in early modern Britain and they provide
vivid and revealing evidence about many aspects of the culture of the period.
Yet only recently have historians begun to give them proper attention, and
this conference will be one of the first to draw out their significance. Themes
will include the importance of printed images for the history of the Reformation
and post-Civil War politics, the emergence of new genres like topographical
engraving and mezzotint, and the place of prints in the developing consumer
market. Speakers will include Kevin Sharpe, Anthony Griffiths, John King, Justin
Campion, Michael Hunter and Alex Walsham.
The conference is linked to, and will showcase, an innovative project in the
form of the AHRB-funded British Printed Images to 1700 project, which will
make available pre-1700 prints in the British Museum and selected material
from the V&A and other collections.
In association with Birkbeck College, University of London Supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council
See the V&A website at
for further details or attached for a copy of the Programme and the Birkbeck
You can book online via the V&A website or email bookings.office@vam.ac.uk

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