Monday, 3 March 2008

LUX Salon: A Home in the East - Thursday 6 March 7pm

To celebrate the current East festival LUX presents 4 films of East End home life. Ian Bourn's The End of the World (1982) features Ian and Helen Chadwick enjoying a quiet afternoon of domestic bliss, Guy Sherwin's Views From Home (1987/2005) is a nostalgic invocation of sunlight and street sounds and secret life of his East End flat circa 1980s. John Smith's Hackney Marshes (TV Version) (1978) is a rarely seen film commission from Thames Television documenting the lives of the inhabitants in a tower block overlooking Hackney Marshes, unravelling the TV documentary format with John Smith's usual style and wit. Finally William English and Sandra Cross's What did you eat today?(2001) follows a culinary day in the life of Hugh de la Cruz, then back home to have spaghetti for tea.

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