Thursday, 17 July 2008

VADS Image Collection

The Central Saint Martins Museum and Study Collection has added a further 400 images from its historic collections to This outstanding collection includes works by many well-known early staff and students, such as William Lethaby, John Farleigh, Noel Rooke, Cecil Collins, William Newland, Eric Gill, Edward Johnston, Jeannetta Cochrane, Joyce Clissold, and many others.The digitised collection consists of a wide range of material including: fine art, ceramics, lettering and calligraphy, prints, theatrical costume design, textiles, books printed and bound in the Central School, German film posters, Japanese prints, and a collection of illustrated books used as teaching examples.The museum has its roots in the Teaching Examples Collection which was established by the first principal of the Central School, William Lethaby. The museum now aims to collect work by former staff and students of Central Saint Martins and the two founding colleges: The Central School of Arts and Crafts, later Design, and St Martin's School of Art.Over 1700 works from the museum are now available to view online at VADS. For more information, see also to EditorsVADS is the online resource for visual arts. It currently provides access to over 100,000 images from art and design collections held in universities, colleges, museums, libraries and archives throughout the UK. The image resources are free and copyright cleared for use in UK Higher and Further Education and personal research.VADS is based within the University College for the Creative Arts at Farnham.

Librarian on leave July 18th to August 11th

I will be visiting my Dad, (a Geordie structural steel draughtsman, believe it or not) in Atlanta until August 11th. If you need anything urgently, please phone 02082233434, which is the general library number.

Martin Creed at Tate Modern

I went to see this exhibition yesterday. I loved it. Especially when we were leaving and could just catch sight of random runners out of the corner of my eye. The human body is the ultimate work of art.

Urban Street Hunt

I mentioned in an earlier post that that I was going to take part the Urban Street Hunt which is part of the Architecture Festival.

Well, Nadine, Deb and I did enter. We were given maps and had to go around the Southbank taking photos. We chatted too much and didn't get many taken but it was a great day. The above link shows the best photos from the day.

Monday, 14 July 2008

Off air recordings July 18th - August 11th 2008

I will be on leave during the above dates. Please contact Hugh Bowman with any off air record requests.

European Comic Art - new journal

This is not a journal that we subscribe to at the moment but it does look interesting.

european comic art
ISSN 1754-3797(print) 1754-3800 (online)
European Comic Art is the first English-language scholarly publication devoted to the study of European-language graphic novels, comic strips, comic books and caricature. Published in association with the American Bande Dessinée Society and the International Bande Dessinée Society, European Comic Art builds on existing scholarship in French-language comic art and will be able to draw on the scholarly activities undertaken by both organisations.
European Comic Art is available in both print and online form and will serve as a forum where different theoretical and critical approaches, as well as national comics traditions, can meet.
We would particularly welcome articles in these areas:
The current 'manga-isation' of the European comics scene by Asian comics
Mutual influences of French and American comics
Feminist comic art and women cartoonists
Comics without words
Hergé and the clear-line school of cartooning
Cartoonist collectives and independent publishers since 1990
Genre and the Industry
Comics and digital media
The cartoonist as reporter
Comics in their historical context

Published twice a year, the first issue of the journal is available now

Volume 1 Issue 1 2008 contents

Lance Rickman
Bande dessinée and the Cinematograph: Visual narrative in 1895

Paul Gravett
De Luca and Hamlet: Thinking outside the box

Clare Tufts
Family History and Social History: Étienne Davodeau's reportage of reality in Les Mauvaises gens

Matthew Screech
Autobiographical Innovations: Edmond Baudoin's Éloge de la poussière

Thierry Groensteen
A Few Words about The System of Comics and More...

News and Reviews

Artwork by Tanitoc

Find out more about the journal at

Alternatively click here to subscribe now

4 Cambridge Street, Liverpool, L69 7ZU, UK
Tel. +44-[0]151-794-2234, Fax +44-[0]151-794.2235
E: W:

F.A.D Fashion Show - Friday July 18th 2pm

There will be fashion show with a difference at 2pm on Friday in the AVA Building. A group of school children have been working with the department under the banner of F.A.D. and will proudly be displaying the results of their hard work on Friday.

Digimap changes

Please see the following information from Digimap regarding Class Accounts

Dear Colleague,
This message regards the use of Class Accounts with Digimap. Please pass it on
to anyone you think may need this information.
Following the authentication management changes which will occur on 1 August
2008, it will no longer be possible to register for class use of Digimap. All
access to Digimap will be by individual registration only.
As you will know, access to Digimap will be via the UK federation only from 1
August 2008. UK federation rules do not permit more than one person to access
any resource under the same set of credentials. In addition, institutions
subscribing to any Digimap Collection (except Historic Digimap) must assert
"user accountability". This means that the institution is able to trace
activity in any given session to an individual. This is not possible if user
identiifers (which are used to authenticate sessions within online resources)
are shared between individuals, as they would be if using a class account.
Please bear in mind that at busy times of year it may take longer than usual to
process individual registrations. Please ask your students to register in good
time if they need access for the purposes of a class exercise on a particular
Emma Sutton
EDINA Geoservices Support

Thursday, 10 July 2008

Stanley Kubrick Archive - University of the Arts

Archives open days
In celebration of the Stanley Kubrick season on Channel 4, we are holding a number of public open days at the University of the Arts London's Archives and Special Collections Centre. Spaces are limited and therefore booking is essential. The dates and times are as follows:
Monday 21 July at 6.30pm and 7.15pm
Wednesday 23 July at 2pm, 2.45pm and 3.45pm
To book a place please e-mail or telephone 0207 514 9333.
Archives and Special Collections is based at LCC. Directions and map

Please note these opportunities are for members of the public, unaffiliated with the Univesity of the Arts London. Staff and students of the University will have further opportunities to see the archives on future University open days which are held regularly.

Also to accompany the Channel 4's season The Sunday Telgraph have written a number of pieces which relate to or use archive items extensively. The first installment was published in the Home and Living magazine on Sunday 6th July and can be seen at:

There will be a further feature using archive materials in next Sunday Telegraph's 'Seven' magazine.

As I am sure you are all aware the archive also features as collection of the month on the Archives Hub:

These features are all part of a programme of events and publicity around the 80th anniversary of Kubrick's birth and the 40th anniverrsary of the release of his masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Richard Daniels
Stanley Kubrick Archivist
University Archives and Special Collections CentreUniversity of the Arts LondonLondon College of CommunicationElephant and CastleLondonSE1 6SBTel: 020 7514 9332

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Urban Street Hunt July 12th

Part of the London Festival of Architecture

I think I will be participating in the above event.

Global Memory Net

An interesting cross discipline collection.

Directed by Prof. Ching-chih Chen of Simmons College, Boston and supported by the NSF/International Digital Library Program (IDLP), Global Memory Net (GMNet) is intended to be a model global digital library of cultural, historical, and heritage image collections. Much of these unique collections of great value to education and research are not currently accessible due to distance, form, and technical barriers. This project is to find new ways to enable users to access and exploit these significant collections via global network. Each collaborator of this complimentary and synergetic group possesses experience, knowledge, expertise, and capability in different but related research area(s). Each contributes either part of its superb culture and heritage collection, or cutting-edge techniques to facilitate the image retrieval.
GMNet is also a gateway to world invaluable resources. Over 2400 digital collections from over 80 countries were identified and integrated with the current GMNet collections for instant retrieval

Friday, 4 July 2008

Jelly and architecture exhibition at UCL

Exhibition involving buildings made of jelly at UCL! Exploring the link between food and architecture.

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Newham Schools Show - Opening July 2nd - AVA building

Opening of Newham Schools Show - annual exhibition of work by children from the borough of Newham. Show runs until Friday 11th July.

Iconic poster archive launched online

VADS is pleased to announce that a stunning collection of posters by Tom Eckersley has been digitized and is now available online at is one of the foremost poster designers and graphic communicators of the last century. He used bold simple designs, often resembling collage, and the collection reflects the range of his work from propaganda posters to his post-war posters. The collection was formed by Eckersley and is held at the University of the Arts London Archives and Special Collections Centre.Eckersley's bold, graphic statements coupled with memorable slogans and unique use of colour, were seen promoting some of the most iconic of British institutions such as London Transport, General Post Office, The Ministry of Information and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA). Eckersley was also a teacher of poster arts and established the first graphic design course in Britain at the London School/College of Printing (now College of Communication, part of University of the Arts London).Over 100 posters are now available online from this unique archive and further images will be launched on VADS in the coming months.The collection complements other resources on such as the Imperial War Museum's poster collection which includes works by Eckersley and his contemporaries such as F H K Henrion and Abram Games.For more information about the Eckersley Archive, see

New Designers 2008

I attended the opening of New Designers in Islington yesterday evening. The UEL textiles stand was fantastic and one of the most eyecatching of the exhibits.

It is a vast exhibition also featuring jewellry and ceramics - so inspirational to see what young designers are up to.

Conference: EVA London 2008: Electronic Visualisation & the Arts: 22-24 July

Wednesday, 2 July 2008


This is the only UK showing, outside of London, of an exhibition spanning 30 years of Westwood’s endlessly inventive career.